"124 was so full of strong feeling perhaps she was oblivious to the loss of anything at all. There was a time when she scanned the fields every morning and every evening for her boys. When she stood at the open window, unmindful of flies, her head cocked to her left shoulder, her eyes searching to the right for them. Cloud shadow on the road, an old woman, a wandering goat untethered and gnawing bramble--each one looked at first like Howard--no, Buglar. Little by little she stopped and their thirteen-year-old faces faded completely into their baby ones, which came to her only in sleep. When her dreams roamed outside 124, anywhere they wished, she saw them sometimes in beautiful trees, their little legs barely visible in the leaves.
Sometimes they ran along the railroad track laughing, too loud, apparently, to hear her because they never did turn around. When she woke the house crowded in on her: there was the door where the soda crackers were lined up in a row; the white stairs her baby girl loved to climb; the corner where Baby Suggs mended shoes, a pile of which were still in the cold room; the exact place on the stove where Denver burned her fingers. And of course the spite of the house itself. There was no room for any other thing or body until Paul D arrived and broke up the place, making room, shifting it, moving it over to someplace else, then standing in the place he had made" (47).
Dreams are symbolic because they tend to represent another world of your own. Whether you know it or not, specific things happening in your dream actually represent something. According to common dream theory two symbols I notice that are very significant easy the railroad track and the house closing in on her
When Sethe dreams of a beautiful world outside of 124 in her dream there is a part where she envisioned a railroad track. According to the common dream theory a road/track represents, the direction in where you head in life and where you question your current "life path." What's very interesting about this dream and specific symbol is that it was her little boys on those tracks. It also says that in her dream Sethe called her little boys to come back but never turned back. And in the very begging of the book it says how Sethe two boys left and never came back after they couldn't take anymore of the haunted house. So Sethe dreams reveal that since her two boys are on the rail road track and never look back when Sethe shouts to them, they chose there path since they were young boys. The railroad track, their path in life, shows that went away never to look back but is true because they ran away with out looking back ironically.

I really like how you relate whats going on to Sethe by her dreams. I agree that Sethe is trapped in her past and cant move on from it. She has to forgive herself to move forward in her future. Great job :)