Thursday, April 30, 2015


Philip page talks about Circularity theory that instead of moving forward or backwards you're actually moving in a circle. Philips talks about the part in the book where Sethe was walking in a circular motion around Paul D not wanting to her past to Paul D. Almost as if she was avoiding it but eventually when Sethe finally circles in and closes in on Paul she finally admits, It was almost if her past always comes to her and brings her back a few steps but then eventually moves forward but falls back again when the past is brought up. Kind like a never ending maze but in a maze you'll always either move forward and backward and eventually will come out but not in this maze. This maze is never ending. Its crazy about the circle motion they're moving because maybe I feel in this specific part when Sethe is opening up to Paul D about her past that maybe shes mentally thinking that her opening to Paul D shes actually moving forward but in realty shes physically moving in a circle around Paul D not being physically aware because shes space out about horrific past.
Image result for paul d beloved        Another point that Philips brings up as that there are contradictions in Beloved. Sethe imagines this perfect family but what's crazy about this is that in realty her family isn't perfect for all. For Sethe the fact that Denver and Paul D stuck by her is enough for her. Her two priorities are her strength but as well her dark past that she fears. Like for Denver she loves her to  death but is in fear whether she would get up one day and leave because her fearing that she thinks Denver actually portrayed this image of her, Seth, actually king her like she killed Beloved. Also Paul D, seeing him, brings back all these horrific memories of 'sweet home'. Put through Paul D perspective its more when he sleeps. This isn't mentioned in Philips essay but I can argue saying that this fits. So when Paul D can't literally sleep in 124 he goes every where in the house and still cant sleep until he's outside. But after he has sex with Beloved he's able to back into 124 normally with out comfortableness. Almost as if he went into a circle because also after having sex with Beloved the tobacco tin can, that represents his past,opens with out him noticing. This represents a circle because it starts off in the rocking chair, sethes bed, bathroom, and any space in the house to shed, and after the shed incident back into 124 like nothing. Like he can never escape his past now because a new door way opened to all his past coming out now and all his dark memories stored in the this tobacco tin can is all free and running wild.

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