Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Dirty Little Family Secrete...

           Beloved so far has me in shock. Going into Beloved I already has a sense of the book that will be very uncomfortable at times. The very beginning was confusing at first because there was a lot of flash backs going on here and there. From present to memories all the way back to "Sweet Home." Then all of the sudden this new girl in her late teens shows up. When I mean show up, I literally mean this girl just came out of the water. It was almost as if she "resurrected" or just got baptized . The most anticipating thing was the the girls name was "Beloved". Which was the name of her baby that she buried back in Sweet Home. Also what was crazy was the Beloved loved Sethe as child would love its mother. However, what made this more iroic was that Beloved actually had the mind set of still a little kid. There is suspicion that Beloved is actually the reincarnated baby of Sethe that is actually this one girl that came out of no where. And a weird coincidence that her name is "Beloved", same as Sethe dead baby. I have a feeling that is Seth's baby just reincarnated. Everything matches up like a puzzle perfectly fitting together. This beloved girl walks out of a river as if she was resurrected, her name is bBeloved, has the mindset of a child as if she was literally still a baby, and absolutely loves Sethe like an actual mother.
          Another crazy thing was that Paul D past hit him all at once where he wasn't able to sleep anywhere around the house. Like he went to the couch down stares, bathroom, living room, Sethes room, and the rocking chair where he normally sleeps. Until he sleeps in the inside of a shed where he's finally comfortable. All of the sudden Beloved walks in. She basically forces Pauly D to enter her and it brought a whole meaning to crazy.  Paul D is making her leave but she wont leave util she "touches" her. Eventually, Pauly D gives in and has sex with Beloved. Right when Pauly D is doing it the dirty with Beloved, the tobacco tin can that represent Paul D past starts to open slowly with out him knowing. That tin can represented all his dark past adn sleeping with beloved unleashed all these painful memories. As the book continues you Paul D continues this raunchy relationship. I just think this is crazy overall how all this escated really quickly from Beloived this young girl with a baby minded state goes from baby to a young womens mind set real quick.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the whole thing escalated really quick from Beloved seen as an infant to a women. I also agree that Beloved is somehow resurrected as Sethe's daughter. Great analysis of what Beloved represents.
